Sign our petition to change the future of Ovarian Cancer research


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HMRI has dedicated funding for Ovarian Cancer research.


Every voice speaking about funding fairness makes a difference

Pink Meets Teal is a community of women who want to see the five-year survival rate of just 46% for ovarian cancer reach the phenomenal 91% survival rate for breast cancer.

Ovarian cancer takes the lives of 1,000 Australian women every year but is one of the most under-funded cancers receiving four times LESS than breast cancer.

Pink Meets Teal acknowledges and applauds the tremendous outcomes in the fight against breast cancer and believe that with similar commitment and resources we can achieve the same success for ovarian cancer.

We call on all women, especially breast cancer survivors, to help us in this challenge by demanding funding fairness for ovarian cancer.

We call on governments and donors to look below the waist when it comes to cancer funding and give researchers the money they need to come up with a screening test, clinical trials and better treatment options for ovarian cancer.

Read our story

Women in Newcastle
challenge for change.

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