One way to get involved in the cause is to write a letter to your local MP. On this page you will find a link to find out who to write to and an example email you can use. 

Copy and paste this into your email!

Subject RE: Ovarian Cancer Funding

To (insert Local MP name here), 

I acknowledge that the Morrison Government recognised the importance of research in order to improve the diagnosis and treatment of the cruel disease that is ovarian cancer – the eighth most common cancer for Australian women. The $20 million for research grants will, as you know, be money extremely well invested, although the impact is diluted as it is only $4m over 5 years. This funding is not enough. With a new government comes new opportunities to save lives. Ongoing, quality research is absolutely crucial, and our ovarian cancer researchers are still using their valuable time to fundraise their own studies.
Look at the positive outcomes for women with breast cancer due to the funds invested in research and diagnosis over the past 20 years. The survival rate of women with breast cancer is 91 yet women with ovarian cancer have a survival of 46%. Yes, you read that right; 54% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer die within the first five years of diagnosis.
Fifty million dollars each year for ovarian cancer research is a small price to pay for your mothers, sisters, daughters, female cousins and friends to live healthy and full lives. Not to be struck down in their prime.
You can be a game changer in this area of health and make a long-term legacy for which you will be remembered, especially by Australian women. I urge you to support an annual allocation of $50 million to ovarian cancer. To date the Pink Meets Teal petition ( has over 77,000 signatures, demonstrating the wider community demanding change and support those who make the change.
Raise ovarian cancer funding awareness within your community, within your family, and within parliament. Help me make a difference.

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